
12:50am EST
Oh yeah, all the games are (c) by their respective corps/companys/whatever.
12:42am EST
Updated, there's a comic for yesterday (aka about 2 hours ago) and for today. A few things to say... For those of you who have been bugging Kitty about the lack of updates for the past few days, this is how those past few days worked out: I ran out of comics to post. Kitty got sick. Kitty got better in time for my finals. I study/finals/work/study/finals/work. That gets us to today. Since I'm the one updating, while Kitty does get the comics to me, she does not really decide when the updates happen. so if you wanna find out why the site isn't updated, then you click this little link here lolitaotaku@comic.com and send an email that will pop up on my screen, where I will say "oh, they're wondering why I haven't updated yet". I will then either scowl and delete the email, reply nicely to the email, and/or update. So don't whine to Kitty, she has better things to do... like colour the webcomic. :)
Sorry, not trying to sound like a biatch. Now that that's over and done with, enjoy. Seriously though, send us emails. Telling Kitty doesn't mean we all get to hear what you like/dislike/are wondering about for the comic/website. That's why we have an email. But now that I've updated, go vote for us again. We need to bump our stats back up to recover from college finals. Dang, I don't wanna pack tomorrow... ciao.

1:15pm EST
This is the only update I'm doing before Tuesday and my final exams (although a new comic will/should be up every day). This is to update Rinny's char, and wish her a happy 18th birthday :)
Oh yeah, apparently some of you have been complaining about Kitty's grammar in the comics... the comics are modeled after real life/real life events, and that's how we talk. We don't use no good grammar! :P so there. ja ne.

4:30pm EST
K... got comics up to #8 up, so a new comic should be up every day until the 7th. Still didn't get the new buttons yet, and I have finals coming up on Tuesday so nothing else is really going to change. Btw, send us emails, we like to know what you like and what you don't like :) Maybe I'll make a forum/guestbook thingy, we'll see.. that takes time tho, which I don't have currently. Oh yea, added VG Cats to links, that's about it. Ciao.
12:02am EST
Righto, changed a few things... first off, I made the size of all the "boxes" 500px instead of 700px, so hopefully the links on the left won't cover what's written anymore. Also, make sure to have lolitaotaku expanded to the full size of the screen, that should help a bit... it doesn't resize depending on the size of the screen, but the positioning changes a little. Updated a bit on the character sheet... had some of the ages wrong, and some of Kitty's favourite things (food, band) wrong, or out-of-date, at any rate. There should be some new comics up as well, because we have so many made right now, we're going to try to have one a day for awhile... of course, that's as soon as they're sent to me. So bug Kitty, heh. And for some reason for some of you the stuff at the bottom of the screen doesn't show up for you... should be an advertisement (eh, who cares, right?), a little thing that says we're keenspace's biatch, but most importantly, on the main page is the weblists that we belong to, one of which you can vote for us to get us in the top 100. Not sure how to fix this not-seeing-it problem, at least without spending some time on it that I don't have, so for now check out the links page and they should both be listed there. Things to watch out for in the future: some of the links to the left will change, going to get an actual update/blog link, going to make the contact link bring up our email (lolitaotaku@comic.com). Going to change the second comic, nothing too major... and should have some new comics up as soon as I get them. That's about it... time for some WoW :3

3:45pm EST
Got back from my various lectures, only to discover the website has 26 hits already! w00t. That makes falling asleep in physics lecture all the more worth while. There are a few modifications that you will see to the site over the next few days, but other than that this will be the basic layout. The buttons to the left will change around a little, and some more content may be added, but thats all folks. I've already had it pointed out to me that with aol or IE the links and words sort of merge together... I will try to fix that in the coming months, but I have both my finals in less than a week, and you really should be using Firefox anyways. The site looks much prettier with that browser, and your computer will thank you (check the link section to download firefox). Let's see, anything else... Oh, to contact us write to lolitaotaku@comic.com. Feedback is appreciated, but if it's to point out things that I already know are not working properly, then it'll be ignored, fyi. The reason why the layout screws up with IE and aol (and maybe netscape, don't know) is because I'm using css -- stylesheets -- for the website... might have to change some of it to tables so that it stops moving around, but we'll see. I have the summer to work on that, so til then... I'm going to take a nap. Then it's a ten page research essay! Think I can have it done by 8am tomorrow?
... My angst has no bounds... All I have to say is, after this update, the feckin' website better work... Normally I won't have this much difficulty, but going on 3 hours of sleep with exams coming up can be somewhat distracting.
Besides my headache, tiredness, and general anger at the world, here's some stuff about the site. First off, some of you may have noticed that "Contacts" is not actually "Contacts"... it's supposed to be "Updates," just haven't changed the link yet. Let's see, anything else... everything else should work, although it doesn't mean it has content yet... but yea... Going to try and get a half hour of sleep before my math test... weee...

After much fighting with Keenspace, hopefully this layout will show up and work properly... hopefully. Enjoy the comic